Welcome to Taiglum Medical Practice
Drongan Phone line issue
Currently there is an ongoing issue with the phone lines in our Drongan site. The issue has been reported to our current provider and to our local health board. Unfortunately we have been informed that the only way to fix the fault is to replace the phone system with an entirely new one. The Health Board are planning to replace the phone system as a matter of urgency, however have been delayed with some of the security checks required.
The current fault is resulting in an issue where, when calling the practice, the phones appear to be ringing before cutting off for the person making the call, however, in the practice, the phones are not ringing. The practice has a policy where reception staff will try their best to answer a call within 3 – 5 rings. If you contact the practice and find that the phone is ringing but nobody has picked up after 5 rings, we would recommend that you hang up and try to contact the practice again as it is likely that you are experiencing the fault on the phone lines.
We appreciate that this is very frustrating for all of our patients and their family who are trying to make appointments or discuss other matters relating to their health. It is also frustrating for the practice as we strive to provide everyone with the best possible care and issues with our phone lines that are currently out with our control are limiting our abilities to do so.
If you are struggling to get through to the Drongan practice on the phone in the mornings, you can make an appointment at the front desk from 08:30am Monday – Friday.
We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding whilst we work with the health board to resolve this situation.
Practice Closing times
Taiglum Medical Practice will now be closing both our Mossblown and Drongan sites for 30 minutes each day. This is to allow all staff to receive training and updates to ensure that they are able to provide you with the most accurate information possible.
Our Mossblown site will close between 12:30 and 13:00 each day. If you need to get in touch with the practice urgently during this time, you can contact our Drongan site on 01292 591345 where a member of the reception team will be happy to help.
Our Drongan site will be closed between 13:00 and 13:30 each day. If you need to get in touch with the practice urgently during this time you can contact our Mossblown site on 01292 665302 where a member of the reception team will be happy to help you.
Holly Health
Taiglum Medical Practice has partnered with Holly Health to offer patients 6 months of free habit coaching (to help sleep, exercise, eating and mental wellbeing). The app may serve as an extra tool to help feel physically and mentally better. You can sign up here: http://hly.app/taiglum_gp

Right Care Right Place

If we all use NHS services wisely, we cn keep well and get the care we need quickly, safely and as close to home as possible.
Phone NHS 24 on 111 for urgent care
If you think you need to visit A&E but it's not life threatening, you can phone NHS 24 on 111 day or night.
Phone 111 if you:
- Think you need to go to A&E but it's not life threatening
- Are too ill to wait for your GP to open
NHS 24 will help you get the right care in the right place, often closer to home and without the need to go to A&E. This may include a phone or video consultation

(Site updated 27/01/2025)