Repeat Prescriptions
If you need regular medication the doctor will arrange this through the practice computer system. Please ask a member of staff for details.
Before ordering please be aware
Local guidelines regarding repeat prescriptions has changed. NHS Ayrshire and Arran are now asking for all patients to wait 7 working days before collecting repeat prescriptions from their local pharmacies. This increase in turnaround is to allow all pharmacies extra time to fill prescriptions due to increased pressures. As a result of the increase in time for filling a prescription, we would kindly ask all patients to please order your prescriptions in plenty of time to ensure that you do not run out of medication. We would also ask that if you have any queries with regards to a prescription that you have ordered, you contact your usual pharmacy in the first instance.
Requests for repeat prescriptions should be made using the order form printed with every repeat prescription and should be handed into the surgery or sent by post. If you wish, prescriptions will be returned to you by post, but please enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope with the repeat request. You may also order repeat prescriptions via this website.
Requests for repeat prescriptions are not taken over the telephone as errors can occur in verbal communication. You should see your doctor at least once a year to discuss your medication. Urgent requests for prescriptions cannot be dealt with during surgery times when both doctors and staff are busy as there is potential for errors to occur. This is due to the volume of prescriptions we receive each day and there are also medical legal reasons why doctors cannot be disturbed during their surgery.
You may request medication which is not on your repeat medication list either by writing this on your repeat medication slip, a special request form available at reception or by using our online service. In this case one of the doctors will consider whether there is enough information to decide whether the medication is appropriate, and if it is then a prescription may be issued. Medication requested in this way will NOT be issued automatically however and patients are asked to check with reception to see whether their request has been issued or not.